Hengcheng Zhu 朱恒成

Photo of Hengcheng Zhu
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Room 3663, 3F (Lifts 31/32), Academic Building,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

I am a PhD candidate at the CSE department of HKUST. I work with Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung in the CASTLE research group. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in engineering at SUSTech in 2020. My research focuses on software testing and program analysis. Currently, I am working on research projects in fuzzy testing, mocking, IoT testing, and metamorphic testing. During my spare time, I visit various hiking trails in Hong Kong and take nice photos there. I am also a tech enthusiast and I contribute to open-source projects such as Homebrew and Zed.



* denotes corresponding author, # denotes equal contribution

Honors and Awards

Academic Services

I also served as a co-reviewer for mulitple conferences (e.g., ICSE, FSE, ASE, ISSTA) and journals (e.g., TSE, TOSEM).


I worked as a teaching assistant in the following courses at HKUST.

I also worked as a teaching assistant in the following courses at SUSTech during my undergraduate study.

  • CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (A) (Java, Spring 2018, 2019, and 2020)
  • CS309 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (Fall 2019)
  • CS307 Database Principal (Spring 2019)
  • CS205 C/C++ Programming Language (Fall 2018)
  • CS102B Introduction to Computer Programming (B) (Java, Fall 2018)
  • CS101B Introduction to Computer Science (B) (Fall 2017)